Week 11: Last Call

Well we’re just about at the end of the road now. There’s only one more week of development before we are showing off Level Squared at PAX Australia, and there’s not a whole lot more to be done to get ready.

The last of our merch arrived this week. We have special square badges to give away to anyone who plays Level Squared over the weekend.

Can you collect them all?

And now we are just down to final polishing and play testing before PAX. WE had a play test at The Arcade on Monday with the game developers who work there. We uncovered one new bug that we had not encountered before (good timing) and learned a little bit more about our tutorial and level progression, identifying one particular point that a lot of players had trouble. So we’re working on ironing out those last few kinks and then we should be ready to go!

On a more disappointing note, we found out this week that Level Squared was not selected to be part of the Student Showcase at GCAP.

I took this harder than I expected, given that it wasn’t really something that we were working towards and was more of an icing on the cake type of deal. But it still feels pretty rubbish to not make the cut for something of this level of prestige.

However, two of the teams that are part of our same course DID make the cut and are going to be shown at GCAP. So congratulations to Unbond (unbondgame.com) and Carta (cartathegame.com/)! Keep an eye out for them at GCAP.

Next week is Melbourne International Games Week. I’m going to be preeeeeetttttttyyyy busy next week, so there may not be a post next week (or I might get super inspired and write a bunch who knows?

I’m going to be volunteering at GCAP Loading on Sunday, then attending GCAP Tuesday and Wednesday. Setting up for PAX on Thursday, then showing Level Squared at PAX Friday to Sunday.

So if you’re going to be at any of those and happen to run into me – say hi!